Probation is an alternative to incarceration

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I want to take the opportunity in this article to shed some light on the issue of probation. Probation can be complicated and I certainly cannot explain all the details of its application in one short article. Simply stated, probation … Continued

The McNairy County, Tennessee court system

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When I was growing, up here in McNairy County, Tennessee, I never really understood our court system. In fact, it was not until my college days that I really began to understand and realize the purpose of the different courts … Continued

How does the judicial system work?

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What attorneys, clerks, and judges often take for granted is that everyone understands the complexities of our judicial system. People are often scared, confused, and overwhelmed when they come to court because they simply don’t know the basics of our … Continued

Frequently asked questions

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1. Is there a charge for an initial consultation at McMahan Law Firm? Answer: No 2. Does hiring an out of town or T.V. attorney make my case stronger? Answer: Absolutely Not! Most judges and jurors in local areas know … Continued

Pandemic Appointments

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I hope that everyone stays safe and virus free during this unprecedented time. In order to better serve you and your legal needs I am available for appointment and meeting by phone conference at your convenience. Please call my office … Continued