Understanding Bail and Bond

posted in: Bail Bond, FAQ | 0

The meaning and purpose of bail or bond is perhaps the most misunderstood concept in our criminal justice system. The general public does not understand it and sometimes judges, attorneys, and district attorneys forget its purpose. The concept is simple, … Continued

How does the judicial system work?

posted in: FAQ | 0

What attorneys, clerks, and judges often take for granted is that everyone understands the complexities of our judicial system. People are often scared, confused, and overwhelmed when they come to court because they simply don’t know the basics of our … Continued

What is juvenile court?

posted in: FAQ | 0

Hopefully most people reading this article have not had to appear in juvenile court concerning an issue with a child. If you have then you know that juvenile court is much different than any other court proceeding. The public really … Continued

Worker’s Comp Cases

posted in: FAQ, Worker's Comp | 0

If you have been injured on the job don’t settle your case with your employer or insurance carrier until you speak to your attorney. As with any type of case where you may be in contact with an insurance adjuster, … Continued

Frequently Asked Questions

posted in: FAQ | 0

1. Is there a charge for an initial consultation at McMahan Law Firm? Answer: No 2. Does hiring an out of town or T.V. attorney make my case stronger? Answer: Absolutely Not! Most judges and jurors in local areas know … Continued